Certificación Operador Económico Calificado

Murchison receives as Qualified Economic Operator Certificate



On Tuesday 18 th August we were certified as Operador Económico Certificado (OEC for its acronym in Spanish), which allows us to provide our clients with benefits through simplified costums control procedures and others like:

  • Reduction in red and orange revision tracks
  • Priority in red and orange revision tracks
  • Container verification and Scanning
  • Anticipated clearance

As well as:

  • Priority in GEX files transactions
  • Updated and official list with name and category of the OEC company in the National Costums Directions (DNA by its acronym in Spanish) web page
  • Training of certified operators.

This certification guarantees a high level of costums security in all the logistics chain, strengthens bilateral commerce and enhances the use of resources through the concentration of inspections in high risk operators.

Our philosophy lies in working daily in order to consolidate as the ultimate Logistics Company through quality and safety promotion and development.







To see the news on the website of Customs, please contact: http://www.aduanas.gub.uy/innovaportal/v/14184/1/innova.front/murchinson_uruguay_sa_es_la_decima_empresa_certificada_oec_en_el_pais.html

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